Konica Minolta’s “Emerald Learning Program 2018” Series: “Eco” Lunch Sharing
To raise community’s awareness on environmental issues, Konica Minolta continuously holds “Emerald Learning Program” series to encourage participants to protect our environment and treasure resources as well as putting it into practice in daily life.
Our volunteer team attended “Eco” Lunch Sharing with students from Conservation Baptist Lui Ming Choi Primary School at Food Grace Centre in Tai Wo Estate on 30 June 2018. Participants collected surplus vegetables from nearby wet market and cooked a western vegan meal for a group of elderly with the aims of conveying environmental message as well as caring for the elderly.
At present, about 3,337 tonnes of total municipal solid waste (MSW) are food wastes every day that is the largest MSW category including dumped food which are still edible. Joining this activity, the students could understand the food waste issue in Hong Kong from the talk. Most importantly, the students and our volunteers saved about 71 kilograms surplus vegetables collected from wet market alleviating burden on landfills. After that, they cooked the soups, pizza and spaghettis. They shared the meal with the elderly and spread their care.
As a part of community, we should treasure and make use of resources to support sustainable development such as preventing wastage. We will continue to organize more environment-related educational activities which can promote sustainable development towards young people and our community with the aim of conserving our natural scenery for next generations.