Konica Minolta Named Industry Leader on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index, a Leading Global Index of ESG Investment, for Two Consecutive Years
Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) was named Industry Leader on the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index (DJSI World) for the second consecutive year and has been included in the DJSI World for 7 years with the highest total score earned in the three dimensions of economic, environmental and social. At the same time, Konica Minolta has also been included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index (DJSI Asia Pacific) for 10 consecutive years. It fully demonstrates Konica Minolta’s industry leadership in these three areas.
Among all the companies in the Computers & Peripherals and Office Electronics sector, Konica Minolta has been ranked first in the environmental dimension for five consecutive years and in the social dimension for the first time, and received the highest score in total, which earned the company the prestigious title of Industry Leader for the second consecutive year.
In the economic dimension, Konica Minolta was also given the highest scores in its sector in the categories of Materiality, Risk & Crisis Management, Customer Relationship Management, Tax Strategy, Innovation Management, and Privacy Protection out of 10 categories.
To promote sustainability in further, Konica Minolta is determined to promote group-wide efforts globally to address six issues (Environment, Social innovation, Customer satisfaction and product safety, Responsible supply chain, Human capital and Diversity) of materiality with the aim of helping to solve global environmental issues, improving quality of life and eventually achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2030. Accordingly, Konica Minolta has been working together with its stakeholders for environmental protection. In terms of society, the company strives to develop the business with contribution to address social issues which can be solved by actively combining the latest digital technologies.
The DJSI World is the first global index and leading global sustainability indices provided by Dow Jones and Sustainable Asset Management Group, the Switzerland-based sustainability investment company, to access corporate sustainability from economic, environmental and social developments. Therefore, the index is highly recognized among global institutional investors. In the annual DJSI review of the world’s 2,500 companies, 317 companies have been listed on the DJSI World and, within the list, 34 of them are Japanese companies including Konica Minolta.